Marketing support

NIBE All-Electric Ready

The challenge

Hybrid heat pumps are now well known in the Netherlands. The challenge lies mainly in introducing the term "All-Electric Ready," so that people know that NIBE's hybrid heat pumps simplify the transition to All-Electric. To gain awareness for NIBE's All-Electric Ready heat pumps, the right channels must be used.

The process

A radio campaign was set up for the introduction of the term 'All-Electric Ready', with the spot being heard on well-known Dutch radio stations such as BRN, Radio 1, Radio 2, 3FM and Radio 5. A campaign page was set up to explain the 'All-Electric Ready' principle and the benefits of NIBE's heat pumps. Traffic was driven not only from the radio spot, but also by deploying Google Text and Display Ads. An SEO plan was also created to obtain a top position in Google on the search term "All-Electric Ready heat pump.

The result

Shortly after the introduction of the radio campaign, a significant increase in searches on 'All-Electric Ready' was spotted. NIBE's campaign page quickly obtained a No. 1 position on 'All-Electric Ready' and the number of visitors to this page increased significantly. [MoB1] It made for a more than successful introduction of the term 'All-Electric Ready' in the Netherlands, which is why the campaign has been repeated with a number of improvements. For example, the 'Heat Pump Choice Help' has been added to guide visitors even better in choosing the right heat pump. More work for NIBE >

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Do you have a question or a challenge? Contact us:

Walter van Houten

Account consultant

Leon Hendrix

Senior digital marketing
strategist (Founder)

Ralph Kuijper

Account consultant

René de Korte

Digital marketing strategist

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