Terms and conditions
Welcome to Centagon and thank you for your interest in Centagon's website. Along with the linked pages, you will find here the Terms and Conditions in effect under which you may use our website as a guest or registered user (www.centagon.com)
Centagon B.V. (hereinafter referred to as 'Centagon') has published this website (www.centagon.com, hereinafter referred to as 'website') to provide up-to-date information about Centagon B.V. and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as 'the Centagon Group') to its employees and to companies and consumers interested in Centagon's operations and performance.
By using this website, you agree to these General Conditions of Access and Use as detailed in this document ("General Conditions") and the laws as applicable in the Netherlands regarding online communications.
Legal Information
Web editors: This website is published by: Centagon B.V.
Main office: Provincialeweg 66, 5503 HH Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Registered at the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands under number 17151060
Phone: +31 (0)40 2549442
E-mail: info@centagon.com
Legal representative: Mr. W.T.H. van Houten
Website and content: Mr. L.W.G. Hendrix
This website is hosted by: Amazon Webhosting Services
Terms and conditions for use of this website
All users of this website ('www.centagon.com' hereinafter referred to as 'website') are subject to the following General Terms and Conditions ('AGV'), which may be supplemented with special terms and conditions in case of certain services.
The company Centagon B.V. (hereinafter referred to as 'Centagon') reserves the right to modify or expand these General Terms and Conditions for access to this website, as well as the General Terms and Conditions, at any time. Visitors to the website are required to regularly consult it to stay informed about any modifications and expansions. By regularly visiting this website, visitors are deemed to accept any modifications and expansions.
Centagon reserves the right to completely or partially remove the website without prior notice to users.
This document contains the following information:
1. Intellectual Property Rights
2. Images | Exploitation rights and personality rights
3. Prohibition to publish unauthorized content
4. Warranties and liability limitations
5. Links from our website
6. Content of the website
7. Personal data
8. Availability of the website
9. Unforeseen circumstances (force majeure cases)
10. Miscellaneous
1. Disclaimer
The copyrights of all components of this website, including texts (such as articles, press releases, presentations, brochures, illustrations), photographs, videos, audio clips, logos, trademarks, software applications, animations, etc. (including copyright), belong to Centagon, the Centagon group, or its partners.
In general, Centagon grants you the free, personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right to access and navigate within this website under the condition that you accept these General Terms and Conditions. All other rights are expressly excluded without prior written consent from Centagon.
1.1. Copyrights and/or Design and Model Rights related to the products and documents displayed on this website.
All reproductions, whether hard copies or soft copies, on this website and of the products and models contained therein, are reserved for strictly personal use. Except as provided in the preceding paragraph, any reproduction, performance, use, or modification, by any means and on any medium, of the whole or any part of the Website and the various works and models contained therein without prior consent from Centagon constitutes a copyright infringement and is strictly prohibited by law.
The preceding obligations do not apply to journalists or press publishers, for whom Centagon makes available iconographic documents and press releases that can be freely viewed, reproduced, and displayed to illustrate their articles and press publications.
1.2. Trademark rights
All names, trade names, trademarks, and signs of any kind (such as logos or emblems), including the names of goods and services mentioned or reproduced and published in any form on this website by Centagon, remain the property of Centagon or the Centagon Group or the clients of Centagon or the Centagon Group. Any use, reproduction, performance, or imitation thereof, even in part, by internet users is prohibited without prior permission from the owners. Any violation of the aforementioned obligation constitutes a trademark infringement that can be legally punished.
Furthermore, the name 'Centagon BV' and/or the 'Centagon Group' and/or 'Centagon', as well as the names, logos, and trade names of Centagon B.V. and/or Centagon Group companies, are registered trademarks protected in each of the countries where the respective companies are located. Any reproduction, performance, or imitation thereof, even in part, is therefore prohibited without prior written consent from Centagon and/or its affiliated companies that own the mentioned trademarks. Any violation of the aforementioned obligation constitutes a trademark infringement that can be legally punished.
1.3. Intellectual property rights regarding creations proposed by users of the Website who are employees of Centagon or the Centagon Group.
Centagon kan publish creative briefings on this website inviting users of this website who are employees of the Centagon Group to propose original, previously unpublished creations (hereinafter referred to as "creations"). By registering on this website with the Centagon marketing team and proposing creations, either in response to instructions published by the Centagon Group or on their own initiative without any collaboration, employees of the Centagon Group (hereinafter referred to as "authors") will gradually assign all intellectual property rights to the creations for which they are the authors at the time they submit said creations to the website, to Centagon. This provision includes, in particular, the right to reproduce to the public through all media and communication networks, known or unknown, the right to modify, adapt, translate, and localize, the right to promote, distribute, sell, rent, and license, free of charge or for valuable consideration, and the right to exploit the creations in any form, by any process, on any medium, using all methods, all media, and communication networks, known or unknown, free of charge or for valuable consideration, and regardless of the intended use. These intellectual property rights are assigned worldwide and for the entire duration of copyright protection in the Netherlands and abroad, under Dutch intellectual property law and international copyright conventions. This provision is made under the legal guarantee of non-infringement and undisturbed enjoyment. The compensation for this provision is included in the remuneration paid to the authors under their employment contract.
Through such assignment, Centagon may reproduce, perform, and adapt the creations (images and/or texts) in any format, on any data carriers, and through any media, known or currently unknown, anywhere in the world, for entities of the Centagon Group or its clients, and in any communication campaign distributed in any way.
In the event that the intellectual property rights (in particular, copyrights and similar rights, including trademark rights, designs, and models) are related to previous versions and are not owned by the author of the creations, the authors agree to mention the source of the borrowed or adapted works in a note accompanying the submitted creation. The authors shall mention the name of the author(s) of the original work included in their creation (e.g., the name of the composer of a musical work) and, if possible, the year of the original publication of the work. This way, if the Centagon Group intends to produce the creations for the purposes of one of its clients, as indicated in the previous article, the Centagon Group can negotiate in advance with the relevant rights holders to obtain the necessary authorizations and rights assignments for the undisputed exploitation of the creations.
The aforementioned assignment of rights is granted solely to Centagon and remains valid even in the event of termination, for any reason, of the employment contract or service contract between the authors and the Centagon Group. Consequently, participants agree to refrain from granting rights of the same nature to third parties.
3. Prohibition to publish unauthorized content
Users of the website, especially those who post their content in response to creative briefings published by the Centagon Group or participate in a discussion forum opened by Centagon, shall refrain from publishing any content that justifies crimes against humanity or is homophobic, offensive, demeaning, defamatory, slanderous, disrespectful, incites racial hatred or violence, or involves child pornography. It shall not violate human dignity or contain any other illegal content (such as pornographic content, political, religious, or ideological propaganda, infringement of intellectual property, violation of correspondence secrecy, reputation, and violation of privacy by third parties). Centagon B.V. may suspend the publication of unauthorized content without warning, explanation, or formal notice upon receiving notification of such illegal content.
To report unauthorized content, as defined above, to Centagon, users can send an email to info@centagon.com and send a confirmation via registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Provincialeweg 66, 5503 HH Veldhoven, the Netherlands.
Furthermore, users agree to be solely responsible for their content and its legality, and indemnify Centagon from any liability for damages that third parties may claim in this regard.
4. Warranties and limitations of liability
Users hereby declare that they have the skills, hardware and software required to use the Internet, and that they are aware of the characteristics of the Internet and its use, in particular the limitations related to technical performance, response times and security risks in relation to communications. For that reason, Centagon does not guarantee that the Website and functionality offered thereon are free of anomalies, errors or bugs, or that they will function without errors or interruptions. In this regard, Centagon reserves the right, for non-technical reasons, to freely determine the period of unavailability of the website or any of its sections in order to improve its content or optimise its use.
Centagon cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages of any kind resulting from the use of the website, in particular limitations related to technical performance, response times and risks related to the security of communications or intrusions by fraudulent third parties.
In a general sense, Centagon cannot be held liable for any prejudice or damage of any kind arising from the use of the website.
Finally, Centagon cannot be held liable for connection fees and, more generally, for communication costs arising from access to and use of the Website.
5. Links from our website
Where the website contains links to other third-party websites and resources, these links are provided for information purposes only. Centagon has no control over the contents of those sites or resources and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of such links.
6. Website content
Where the website contains links to other third-party websites and resources, these links are provided for information purposes only. Centagon has no control over the contents of those sites or resources and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of such links.
7. Persoonsgegevens
All personal data collected or processed by Centagon during access to and use of the website is governed by the Privacy Statement as published through this website.
8. Website availability
In principle, the website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to planned or unplanned interruptions necessary for their maintenance or cases of unforeseen circumstances (force majeure). As Centagon is de facto subject to a best-efforts obligation, it cannot be held liable for any damage, of whatever nature, incurred as a result of unavailability of the website.
9. Unforeseen circumstances (cases of force majeure)
Centagon undertakes, in view of current technical resources, to maintain the website in the best possible conditions. However, Centagon cannot be held liable in case of interruptions of the website due to unforeseen circumstances caused by a third party, by the user or its own customers, or for technological reasons.
Although the following list is not exhaustive, the parties hereby conventionally agree that these contingencies may consist of either an accidental event or an action of a third party, damages resulting from or caused by: natural disasters, fires, floods, lightning, electrical surges, strikes, power outages, telecommunications network failures, computer failures, civil wars or foreign wars, riots or popular uprisings, national security threats, legal restrictions relating to the provision of telecommunications services, connection and/or connectivity failures caused by public and private operators on which Centagon depends.
These unforeseen circumstances suspend Centagon's obligations stated in this GTC for the entire duration.
10. Miscellaneous
The GTCU, as well as all legal documents describing the service (Privacy Policy, specific General Terms and Conditions et cetera) are governed by, interpreted and applied in accordance with Dutch law, with Dutch being the language of interpretation in case of disagreement on the meaning of any word or provision of the GTCU and of all legal documents governing the website.
If any of the provisions of this GTCU is declared invalid or inapplicable, it shall be deemed unwritten. This shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions or clauses, which shall retain their full force and scope.
Centagon decides on all cases of use not covered by the AVG. These decisions cannot be appealed.
For any dispute or disagreement arising from the use of the website, an attempt at amicable settlement must be made.
In the absence of an agreement, except in case of conflict with the provisions of public policy, the dispute will be settled in the Dutch Court governing Centagon's headquarters in accordance with Dutch law.
Do you have a question or a challenge? Contact us:
Walter van Houten
Account consultant
Leon Hendrix
Senior digital marketing
strategist (Founder)
Ralph Kuijper
Account consultant
René de Korte
Digital marketing strategist
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